追蹤 73
作品 12
《sonnet 64》此首詩裡,我們首先透過詩人之眼,觀察世間的物換星移,如海洋與陸地相互爭奪領地,而不易毀壞的金屬,也終成了時間永恆的僕役。時間教會詩人的,是一切終將遠去,而他無法逃避死亡所帶來的威脅感。
《sonnet 65》延續著喟嘆時間對世間萬物的破壞力,詩人的使命,是以美來抵禦時間大軍所帶來的荒蕪。而美少年之美—時間之刃的倖存者,是詩人認定的奇蹟,只會在詩句裡閃耀其光芒。
00:30 《Sonnet 64》在時間面前,我(們)無能為力
08:41 《Sonnet 65》願時間止怒,願美永存
Sonnet 64
- When I have seen by Time’s fell hand defaced
- The rich proud cost of outworn buried age;
- When sometime lofty towers I see down-ras’d,
- And brass eternal slave to mortal rage;
- When I have seen the hungry ocean gain
- Advantage on the kingdom of the shore,
- And the firm soil win of the watery main,
- Increasing store with loss and loss with store;
- When I have seen such interchange of state,
- Or state itself confounded to decay,
- Ruin hath taught me thus to ruminate:
- That Time will come and take my love away.
- This thought is as a death which cannot choose
- But weep to have that which it fears to lose.
Sonnet 65
- Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea,
- But sad mortality o’er-sways their power,
- How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea,
- Whose action is no stronger than a flower?
- O how shall summer’s honey breath hold out
- Against the wreckful siege of battering days,
- When rocks impregnable are not so stout,
- Nor gates of steel so strong, but Time decays?
- O fearful meditation! Where, alack,
- Shall Time’s best jewel from Time’s chest lie hid?
- Or what strong hand can hold his swift foot back,
- Or who his spoil of beauty can forbid?
- O none, unless this miracle have might,
- That in black ink my love may still shine bright.
【本集節目是由《鏡好聽》製作播出的《莎士比亞十四行Vol.4 》】
製作人:高建中 /錄音師:劉寶苓
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