追蹤 73
作品 12
《sonnet 100》詩人對著不在場的繆思喊話,以期待能夠留住保留住愛情的美好:「回來吧,健忘的繆思,詠唱歌曲給你的愛慕者;起身吧,慵懶的繆思,幫我看看愛人的臉龐。」如果不想被時間的鐮刀劃傷,就要努力抓住轉瞬即逝的靈感,紀錄下美的瞬間。
《sonnet 101》此詩紀錄下詩人與繆思之間對於如何保存下美的辯證。詩人欲將美以詩保存,然而繆思卻認為真理和美本就各有千秋,何需相互襯托呢?因此詩人才道:「繆思啊,別再沉默,我們需要你讓現實的美襯托得比古墓更經得起時間的考驗;繆思啊,回到崗位,由我來引導你如何將美傳頌永久。」因為只有透過創作,才能讓美被昇華,被看見,被傳頌。
00:30 《Sonnet 100》抱攫靈感,別讓時間追趕
06:55 《Sonnet 101》回答我,缺席的繆思
Sonnet 100
- Where art thou, Muse, that thou forget’st so long
- To speak of that which gives thee all thy might?
- Spend’st thou thy fury on some worthless song,
- Darkening thy power to lend base subjects light?
- Return, forgetful Muse, and straight redeem
- In gentle numbers time so idly spent;
- Sing to the ear that doth thy lays esteem
- And gives thy pen both skill and argument.
- Rise, resty Muse, my love’s sweet face survey,
- If Time have any wrinkle graven there;
- If any, be a satire to decay,
- And make Time’s spoils despised every where.
- Give my love fame faster than Time wastes life;
- So thou prevent’st his scythe and crooked knife.
Sonnet 101
- O truant Muse, what shall be thy amends
- For thy neglect of truth in beauty dyed?
- Both truth and beauty on my love depends;
- So dost thou too, and therein dignified.
- Make answer, Muse: wilt thou not haply say
- ‘Truth needs no colour, with his colour fix’d;
- Beauty no pencil, beauty’s truth to lay;
- But best is best, if never intermix’d?’
- Because he needs no praise, wilt thou be dumb?
- Excuse not silence so; for’t lies in thee
- To make him much outlive a gilded tomb,
- And to be praised of ages yet to be.
- Then do thy office, Muse; I teach thee how
- To make him seem long hence as he shows now.
【本集節目是由《鏡好聽》製作播出的《莎士比亞十四行詩 Vol.6》】
製作人:高建中 /錄音師:謝佩妤
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