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Vol.7 EP01|愛遭眾議,願自承受


主持人 廖雅慧
單曲長度 00:13:57
發布時間 2023-08-25
追蹤 73
作品 12




《sonnet 120》詩人與少年的情勢轉換,過去少年的不忠施予詩人的悲傷,詩人也對少年施以同等的傷害。詩人以悔過的口吻述說這段往事,他們曾經傷害了彼此,如今願能為自己造成的過錯贖罪。


《sonnet 121》若感情被眾議,詩人也不迴避,詩人質疑著眾人何以睥睨他人,且將詩人認為的美善恣意議論成惡意。詩人意識到,自身的美德,只有自己知道,他人的議論,反映著他人的內心世界的惡。詩人願意背負罵名,也不會偽裝自己未曾擁有這段感情。



00:31 《Sonnet 120》彼此傷害,相互贖罪

06:21 《Sonnet 121》寧被鄙視,也不迴避




Sonnet 120

  1. That you were once unkind befriends me now,
  2. And for that sorrow which I then did feel
  3. Needs must I under my transgression bow,
  4. Unless my nerves were brass or hammer’d steel.
  5. For if you were by my unkindness shaken
  6. As I by yours, you’ve pass’d a hell of time,
  7. And I, a tyrant, have no leisure taken
  8. To weigh how once I suffered in your crime.
  9. O, that our night of woe might have remember’d
  10. My deepest sense, how hard true sorrow hits,
  11. And soon to you, as you to me, then tender’d
  12. The humble slave which wounded bosoms fits!
  13. But that your trespass now becomes a fee;
  14. Mine ransoms yours, and yours must ransom me.






Sonnet 121

  1. ‘Tis better to be vile than vile esteem’d,
  2. When not to be receives reproach of being,
  3. And the just pleasure lost which is so deem’d
  4. Not by our feeling but by others’ seeing:
  5. For why should others false adulterate eyes
  6. Give salutation to my sportive blood?
  7. Or on my frailties why are frailer spies,
  8. Which in their wills count bad what I think good?
  9. No, I am that I am, and they that level
  10. At my abuses reckon up their own:
  11. I may be straight, though they themselves be bevel;
  12. By their rank thoughts my deeds must not be shown;
  13. Unless this general evil they maintain,
  14. All men are bad, and in their badness reign.



【本集節目是由《鏡好聽》製作播出的《莎士比亞十四行詩 Vol.7》】


製作人:高建中 /錄音師:劉寶苓


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